Category Archives: Samaj

All Samajas of the World

Socio-economic units should be formed throughout the world on the basis of same economic problems, uniform economic potentialities, ethnic similarities, common sentimental legacy and similar geographical features. … Socio-economic units will have to adopt economic decentralization so that the local people will be able to obtain all the requirements necessary for their physical, psychic and spiritual progress.

– Shrii Prabhat

Samajas of East Asia

Samajas of China
1. Sichuan Samaja
2. Hainan Samaja
3. Hakka Samaja
4. Teochew Samaja
5. Cantonese Samaja
6. Jin Samaja
7. Xiang Samaja
8. Gan Samaja
9. Wu Samaja
10. Fujian Samaja
11. Guizhou Samaja
12. Anhui Samaja
13. Shandong Samaja
14. Beijing Samaja

Samajas of Rossiya-Aziya Confederation
1. Tomsk Samaja
2. Omsk Samaja
3. Novosibirisk Samaja
4. Altai …

Samajas of Suvarnabhumi – Southeast Asia

Maharlika Samajas

  1. Tampuyong
  2. Taga Cordillera Kami
  3. Luzon
  4. Ang Makata
  5. Kasaru
  6. Kaigsuonang Sugbuhanon
  7. Kaliwat
  8. Waray Tupong
  9. Panaghugpong Mindanaw

All Maharlika Samajas — Ang KaSaMa

Samajas of Indonesia

  1. Bali
  2. Jawa
  3. Sunda
  4. Madura
  5. Minangkabau
  6. Bugin
  7. Banjara
  8. Palembang
  9. Aceh
  10. Sasak
  11. Batak
  12. Makassar
  13. Jambi
  14. Gorontalo
  15. Dayak
  16. Li Niha
  17. Taeʼ
  18. Mangarrai
  19. Atoni
  20. Rejang
  21. Tetum
  22. Brunei
  23. Wilayat Sulawesi
  24. Wilayat Kalimantan Utara
  25. Wilayah Nusa Tenggara
  26. Wilayat Maluku
  27. Timor

Samajas of the South Asian Subcontinent

All Bharata Varsha samajas (click image)

Samajas of Central South Asia

Click respective samája for detailed map

  1. Amra’ Banga’lii Sama’ja
  2. Angika Sama’ja
  3. Maethilii Sama’j
  4. Pragatishiila Magahii Sama’ja
  5. Pragatishiila Bhojpurii Sama’ja
  6. Na’gpuriya’ Sama’ja
  7. Utkal Sama’ja
  8. Koshal Sama’ja
  9. Bodo Sama’ja
  10. Assa’m Unnayan Sama’ja
  11. Avadhii Sama’ja
  12. Braja Sama’ja
  13. Hariya’nvii Sama’ja
  14. Gar’hwa’lii/ Gar’hva’lii Sama’ja
  15. Kuma’yunii Sama’ja
  16. Asi Punja’bii Sama’ja
  17. Sirmaorii Sama’ja
  18. Pahar’ii Sama’ja
  19. Kinaorii

Globalization: A Proutistic Review

Members of the Amra Bengali movement in Kolkata protesting proposed legislation that would endanger the Bengali population of Darjeeling, West Bengal.

By Ac. Kalyaneshvarananda Avt.

What is Globalization? The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating internationally, is called globalization.

Globalization increases interaction and integration between people, companies and governments worldwide. Globalization spread …

No Gorkhaland in Bengal; Amra Bengali Youth

[Siliguri, 19 July 2017] – More than 5000 supporters of the Amra Bengali movement gathered at Siliguri, braving all the obstacles and brought out an impressive procession to protest against the heinous conspiracy to break Bengal and India with the tacit support of China.

The most important feature of the gathering was the fighting spirit and unfathomable inspiration that the …