All posts by Prabhakar

Episode 8: Progress

Welcome to episode 8 of Prout Consciousness and a discussion on Prout’s concept of progress. Progress is one of those big words people use at times to promote particular individual or collective talents. A politician may say at the opening of a new bridge: “By uniting our strength and skills we overcome tremendous obstacles to celebrate progress …

Prout in 60 minutes

On repeated requests, we are happy to make Prout in 60 minutes available again to readers and students. The program is intended as an introduction to basic concepts and principles of Prout. The original format has been kept from when it was developed in the early 2000s at Prout World, the forerunner to the present Prout Globe. Some of the …

Pod 7: Prout’s Political Thought

Welcome to episode seven of Prout Consciousness where we will be discussing Prout’s political thought. At the outset, let it be advised that listening to earlier episodes would enable a better appreciation of what is being presented in this episode, as Prout’s political ideas all rest firmly on concepts presented earlier.

Prout invests economic power with the …

Pod 5: Prout’s Philosophy

Welcome to episode five of Prout Consciousness where we will be exploring the philosophical basis of Prout. As is well known, certain laws govern our existence. We all have an autonomic nervous system that governs itself, we live for some time only, and during our life everything keeps changing beyond our control. Such existential laws just cannot …

Pod 4: Socio-economic Movements

Welcome to episode four of Prout Consciousness where we will take a look at Prout’s idea of self-reliant socio-economic units. So far in the series we have discussed decentralised economic democracy and cooperatives, which are practical models for implementing Prout. Now the question comes as to how realistic those models are and how they may be implemented—on …

Pod 3: Cooperatives

Welcome to episode three of Prout Consciousness and its appraisal of Prout’s cooperative sector.

Cooperatives, or coops, are the heartbeat of Prout’s localized economic system. As far as form and functioning goes coops are fairly straight-forward entities. The International Cooperative Alliance, ICA, defines a coop as a self-governing association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common …

Pod 2: Economic Democracy

Welcome to episode 2 of Prout Consciousness and its discussion on economic democracy. What is the main difference between political and economic democracy? To most people, the right to vote is what is democracy. This universal franchise is the holy cow of political democracy. In addition, the right to express one’s political views and even to join …