People tend to either infringe on others or keep to themselves. We are all on this behavioural spectrum, somewhere between letting it all out to keeping it all in.
When a political leader wants to annex a neighbouring country, it is only what the politically unconstrained have been doing forever. Fair or unfair, human or inhuman was never an issue …
China and India are heading towards an elephantine showdown. Both powers may aspire to be the sovereign power of Asia, if not of the world. The ailing US somehow sees an opportunity in actively supporting India against China.
The US is the embodiment of global capitalism. Despite being in shambles economically, socially, and politically, the US …
On Monday the Jubilee Debt Campaign, an organization which campaigns against “unjust debts” said that its analysis of IMF figures showed that almost all of the money lent by the IMF, and Europe to Greece has been used to pay off “reckless lenders, with less than 10 percent of it actually reaching the Greek people.”…
(PROUT Globe, 18 June, 2013) – The Times of India has launched a campaign for letting corporate leaders have a say in how taxpayers’ money is spent. The initiative comes in the wake of increased taxes on businesses and booming bureaucracy spending. The proposal’s main argument is that the Indian state bureaucracy is inefficient and expensive, and that instead of …
By Prabhakar Overland The Beauty of Greece, currently playing in Europe, tells the story of Lady Greece of noble heritage who has taken to prostitution because a gang leader she fell in love with, Capitalism, is really a pimp. When the scandal breaks, her family go out of their way to save their reputation. …
The Titanic of global capitalism has started to sink. The creaks and bangs of the gigantic ship breaking up, the shouts and howls of confused crew and desperate passengers, the incessant feed of nonsensical messages over loudspeakers, will continue to rouse general panic for some more time. In the end nothing can save the enormous structure from the very icy …
(October 2011) – Economist Ravi Batra calls it “Weapons of Mass Destruction” while financial advisor Max Keiser refers to “The Financial Terrorists of Wall Street and the IMF”.
In Iceland, the people decided to take the health of their country into their own hands. They refused to pay for the ill deeds of bankers who had brought their economy to …
(PROUT Globe) – The concentration of great wealth beyond the influence of ordinary citizens is at the heart of the mounting difficulties that now make global capitalism look like the Nexus of Evil. As a first step towards establishing a real economy of real people, stock exchanges and their exploitative trading tools should be banned.
(September 28, 2011) – The so-called Tobin tax proposed today by the EU Commissioner Mr. Barroso may be seen by some as an attempt at infusing an element of “mixed economy” and even humanity into the heartless world of finance. “Such a measure, already supported by the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, is long overdue,” …
Dada Krsnasevananda
(August 10, 2011) – According to the recently released Report of the National Equality Panel ( the top ten percent of British households are a shocking 100 times more wealthy than the lowest ten percent. How did they get there? Since the mid 1970s real income of the average British Citizen has stagnated while the incomes …