The United Nations (UN) has been hanging in the balance ever since the beginning of the Cold War. These days, the UN is deemed irrelevant as far as solving global crises goes. The brokering of peace in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere takes place not at the NYC UN headquarters but at the White House in Washington. …
Socialism is dead, long live socialism! Yes, you heard it correctly. As the truth keeps sinking in – “capitalism doesn’t make us all richer and happier” – people turn to socialism for clues of hope and justice. No other ideology has entered the world stage yet; it is still “useless” socialism versus “increasingly fascist” capitalism.
To get protection and to enjoy the manifested universe of the Supreme Entity is the birthright of each and every being.
There are three fundamental strata in the manifest universe: physical, metaphysical and causal. Over and above, there is one transcendental sphere. Such are the three strata in the human entity, too: crude, subtle and …
This article was revised on March 22, 2025 at 09:22 CET.
By Prabhakar Overland
When Prout founder Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar languished in jail in the 1970s, a visiting follower asked him: “How do I know if I am making progress in my efforts for liberation?” Shrii Sarkar replied: “If your love is increasing and expanding you are making …
It is natural for all living beings to search for a way to express themselves fully. Sometimes this expression takes the form of crude physical pleasure, and sometimes that of subtle psychic pleasure.
A little while ago I said that all crude objects of enjoyment are limited in nature, and thus their accumulation by any …
(1987) – The innate instincts or crude psychic propensities of human beings instigate them to accumulate and enjoy material objects in an unlimited manner. These psychic urges towards the acquisition of physical wealth are common to all living beings, but in human beings they are infinitely insatiable. Psychic pabula are nothing but these different psychic urges …
Human beings are social beings, hence, they have to follow certain social codes. But they must follow some spiritual codes as well. Because of illusion or some other reasons, if people break these codes, these “dos” and “don’ts”, sometimes we call it “sin” or pápa and at other times, “crime” or aparádha. If the violation is …
[December 1966] – Human beings cannot propagate a great ideology by their knowledge, intellect or social status alone. They can only do it through their conduct. Human conduct gets purified by intuitional practices. It is not necessary that one should come from a so-called high family, or that one should have completed university studies. Rather, these factors …
(September 1960, Ranchi) – Society is a collective entity; it does not belong to any individual. The goal of society is to continuously promote the collective welfare. When individuals realize the imperative need to sacrifice for the collective interest, then and only then is it possible to establish a strong and healthy society.
When a benevolent activity is performed in the universe by a certain structure, we call that structure “a genius”, we call it “a blissful structure” – it will be “blissful” in human structure, “good” in animal structure, or “remarkable” in plant structure. Conversely, when a structure is engaged in destructive activity, then we call that structure “demonic” …