Category Archives: Bengal


By Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar
The following is the first of 31 chapters of Shrii Sarkar's book Rarh: The Cradle of Civilization, Ananda Marga Publications.

There was a great ocean, its surface agitated by rows of towering waves, an ocean which had neither name nor gotra [clan]. Who was there to name it, who was there to tell others …

No Gorkhaland in Bengal; Amra Bengali Youth

[Siliguri, 19 July 2017] – More than 5000 supporters of the Amra Bengali movement gathered at Siliguri, braving all the obstacles and brought out an impressive procession to protest against the heinous conspiracy to break Bengal and India with the tacit support of China.

The most important feature of the gathering was the fighting spirit and unfathomable inspiration that the …

Krishnanagar Prout UTC

Picture above: A section of the audience enjoying the street theatre performance of Mukta Bhumir Meye ("Daughters of Liberated Land") downtown Krishnanagar during the Prout UTC

(Krishnanagar, 21 December) – A five-day Prout utilisation camp (UTC) was conducted at Krishnanagar in Nadia District, West Bengal from 17 to 21 December. More than 300 students, youth, Prout leaders (BPs, UBPs and various committee …

10 Points Demand Presented at 6000 Strong Amra Bengali Meet

Photo above: Amra Bengali crowd at Dharmtala, Kolkata

(Kolkata, 19 November 2015) – The socio-economico-cultural movement Amra Bengali (AB) declared the rudimentals of its program platform when presenting a 10 points demand at a public meeting at Dharmtala, downtown Kolkata. The demand included:

  1. Like Marathi, Punjabi, Jats, and Tamils are given respective homelands in the federated structure of India, Bengalis should

Successful PROUT Field Effort in Midnapur, WB

Picture above: The PROUT Parikrama at Goaltor village, Midnapur District, West Bengal

(PROUT Globe) – A four-day Prout Parikrama ("moving around") in Midnapur district of West Bengal was held to promote Prout in this significant cadre-producing district. The Parikrama started on 12th October from the Kerani tala Ananda Marga School campus. A motorcade of five four-wheelers and a bus carrying …

UPSF/UPYF Conference At Agartala

(Agartala, 2 August 2015) – A state level Universal Proutist Students Federation (UPSF) UPSF and Universal Proutist Youth Federation (UPYF) conference was held at Agartala, Tripura from 31st July to 2nd August. The conference was attended by more than 200 students from the state.
The classes on Prout were given by Ac. Kalyaneshvarnanda Avadhuta, Ac. Raviishananda Avadhuta, Shri Shubhendu Ghosh, Shri Danesh

Marginalized Communities of West Bengal: Their Lives, Their Exploitation, Their Future

Garda Ghista (December 2007)

A Bengali tiger


India is a land of tremendous diversity, as reflected in its multiethnic and multiracial population, which together forms one culture having infinite variations. According to Shrii Prabhat R Sarkar,

Bengal was the home of both the Mongolian and the Dravidian populations, the Dravidians being more widespread in the southwestern areas and the …