Caste Revolutions of Yesteryear: Ravidas

The greatness of Ravidas needs no telling. Just recently a Sikh follower of his was killed in Austria by the Brahminical forces and Dalits revolted across entire North India. Ravidas was born in Kashi, which was under Aryan, casteist occupation. In the city of Shiva, which had become the center of casteism (the antithesis of Shaevism), Ravidas created the first Dalit social revolution, thus reviving sama-samaja. He was even able to win over progressive upper-caste people to his movement. For the first time ever, Dalits marched through the streets with their head held high in upper-caste areas. For the first time, Dalits sang devotional songs that created the first Dalit cultural revolution. It all came about due to Ravidas’ spiritual and ideological revolution.

Unlike Kabir, he did not stop with mere ideological awakening. Instead he led a social revolution that briefly allowed the rose of Shaeva humanism to bloom once more in Kashi. The power of this spiritual and ideological revolution has never been equalled in Dalit history. He created the vision of Begumpara – a place without the sorrow of caste or any other form of exploitation For this very reason, Ravidas is a beacon of inspiration to Dalits and all those who yearn for sama samaja. It is also the reason why, as activists like V.T. Rajshekar have intuited, he was murdered by the Brahmins.

Next: Ghasidas

2 thoughts on “Caste Revolutions of Yesteryear: Ravidas”

  1. Indian Caste system is more dangerous and harmful than chemical weapons. It (Indian Caste system) divides the society and state. It (Indian Caste system) is also killed the democratic institutions and secular character of state and society. Indian Caste system is an enemy of social justice, equality, liberty and fraternity. Indian Caste system slaughters the human rights and fundamental rights of an individual. Indian Caste system is also crushed the economic and scientific development and progress of state and society. It (Indian Caste system) is also a great threat and challenge to world peace and unity. Indian Caste system is more dangerous , hard, violent and worst than any kind of racial discrimination or slavery system.

  2. “The Untouchables (Dalits) of India want economic, social, political, religious and educational equality in Society, not in the eyes of God.”
    (Harbans Lal Badhan)

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