All philosophies believe in the improvement, enlightenment or liberation of the Human Intellect. Even a materialist philosophy like capitalism believes that people should be taught skills so that they can be used by the capitalists to make money. Even a materialist philosophy like state capitalism (communism) believes that people should realize how they are being exploited so that …
The need for a shift away from property to non-property and usufructuary rights in relation to animals and their welfare.
Dieter Dambiec
This essay considers the legal status of animals, noting the difference between humans and non-humans, which is expressed mainly in the mental arena of existence. The notion of animals as property has become entrenched in the legal system, …
(2 February 1985, Kolkata) – You know, all expressions in this universe are divided into three strata – physical, psychic and spiritual – and not a single stratum among them is unimportant or negligible. For the integrated development of this world, we want all three of these strata to be properly developed, and their speed to be …
(25 May 1985, Kokata) – You know, it is the inherent wont of all living beings to expand in the physical arena, and for this purpose, rather because of this element – this wont is nothing but a sort of element – they exploit others, they forget the interest of other living beings. Just now I said …
The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc. Often I hear people say that nationalism is an appreciable sentiment and that there is no narrowness in it. But is this true? Nationalism is also relative, just like tribalism, communalism or provincialism. In some …
P.R. Sarkar
There must be ever-increasing acceleration in all spheres of existence. Acceleration represents the essence of life. The human structure is physical but the goal of human life is the Supreme Entity. To reach the goal our approach should be through spiritual practices.
Acceleration is also at the root of PROUT. PROUT is a socio-economic philosophy to help take …
Gary Coyle
The sentimental appeal of neohumanism derives from the deepest recesses of the human personality, that vast reservoir of largely untapped spiritual inspiration. Contemporary society exhibits many sentiments, which fall short of neohumanism. Sarkar has classified these sentiments into three categories – geo-sentiment, socio-sentiment and human sentiment. Geo-sentiment includes sentiments, which grow out of attachment for a particular country …
P.R. Sarkar
As you know, physical pabulum is limited, so the mind continually runs from one thing to another. This process goes on in a never-ending order. But in the realm of intuition the goal is infinite. When aspirants come into this realm, their desires, their longings, are fully satisfied. Thus the controlling point is the spiritual order. Because the …
P.R. Sarkar
When a benevolent activity is performed in the universe by a certain structure, we call that structure “a genius”, we call it “a blissful structure” — it will be “blissful” in human structure, “good” in animal structure, or “remarkable” in plant structure. Conversely, when a structure is engaged in destructive activity, then we call that structure “demonic” in …
In his article, “On humanism past and present,” Perez Zagorin asks the question: Is there a place for humanism in the 21st century? While asking this, he simultaneously defines humanism as the stance of regarding “the life and happiness of human beings as a supreme value to be cherished and promoted in every possible way.”[1]