Category Archives: Economic democracy

People’s purchasing power first; economic democracy now

Illustration: Real purchasing power projected (USA). Source: Colorado Department of Transportation 2014

The Requirements for Economic Democracy:

  • Minimum requirements of life must be guaranteed to all.
  • Increasing purchasing power must be guaranteed to each and every individual.
  • The power to make all economic decisions must be placed in the hands of the local people.
  • Outsiders

PROUT, NeoHumanism and Spirituality are Inseparable for a Humane Economics

By Taraka

“People must develop closer and closer links with each other. One heart must gain a warm and deep understanding of another heart.
To make people conscious of their rights in every sphere of life – social, economic, psychic and spiritual – is called jiṋána vistára [expansion of knowledge]; and [for them] to exercise these rights fully is called

The Limits of Business

A Prout Globe survey

As is well known, Prout places limits on the individual accumulation of physical wealth. It leaves it to the collective to decide on those limits. The private sector is distinctly regulated under Prout. We should note that such private sector limitations do not refer to psychic and spiritual types of wealth but to physical, material wealth …

The Weakening of Political Democracy and the Prospects of Economic Fairness

By Trond Øverland

All over the world the economy is getting worse for ordinary people.1 Well paid jobs are disappearing and purchasing power is stalled.

When most of the fit population no longer have a decent income, they will neither be able to fend for themselves nor contribute to the economy. Due to the ensuing weak consumption and economic …

WE WANT ESSENTIAL UNITY; No More divisive Political Parties

The present system of democracy relies on political parties as a means for directing voting processes, representation, etc.

Party politics however only seems to teach us to be quarrelsome, judgemental, divisive, backtracking, tricky, crooked, etc. The party system could be said to act as a bar to natural basic human cooperation.

In fact, the party system generates a class of …

Economic Democracy: The Foundation of a Neo-Humanistic Family

In 1986, Shrii Sarkar revealed a new mission for humanity – economic democracy. He noted that in no country does there exist an economic democracy. At certain times in history, economic democracy may have existed for a brief period without any conscious awareness and without any clear principles. Later in1989, Shrii Sarkar also gave the mission to …