Category Archives: Economic democracy

FAQ: Economic democracy

What is PROUT’s concept of economic democracy?
Sarkar writes:

“In all countries where democracy is in vogue today, people have been deceived into believing that there is no better system than political democracy. Political democracy has no doubt granted voting rights, but it has snatched away the right of economic equality. Consequently, there is gross economic disparity between the rich …


PROUT suggests we exchange the idea of pervasive private ownership for stewardship and an absolute right to utilization.

Prabhakar Overland
Imagine a society where people run most things together. Utopian, you say? Well, it would not be so different from the way most of us share our daily homes, public transport and other commons, work places, social life, etc. Human …

How Can “Local People” Manage the Economy?

PROUT says the economy should be controlled by local people. But the art of running businesses successfully and the science of economics require particular skills and expertise; how can we expect “local people” to manage it?

“Localisation” is a popular term among those who are looking for an alternative to capitalism. PROUT’s concept of localisation has several important aspects to …

Economic Democracy

P.R. Sarkar
Nature has been kind enough to provide abundant natural resources to every region of this earth, but she has not given the guidelines on how to distribute these resources among the members of society. This duty has been left to the discretion and intelligence of human beings.

Those who are guided by dishonesty, selfishness and mean-mindedness misappropriate these …

Requirements For Economic Democracy

P.R. Sarkar
Political democracy cannot fulfil the hopes and aspirations of people or provide the basis for constructing a strong and healthy human society. For this, the only solution is to establish economic democracy.

The first requirement for economic democracy is that the minimum requirements of life must be guaranteed to all. The minimum requirements of a particular age — …