Prognosis for 2030: The richest 1% will control two-thirds of world’s wealth. – UK House of Commons library figures 2024: Half of the world’s net wealth belongs to the top 1%, top 10% hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15%. – Wikipedia 2023: Richest 1% bag nearly twice as …
(2 December 1978, Kolkata) – A few days ago a journalist asked me my views about the destructive effectiveness of atom bombs and their future reaction on the human race. Ordinarily, I do not have any contact with journalists. But I did give a reply to this question. I said, “Human strength is much more powerful than the …
PROUT seems to be promoting a moral standard. How can there be one set of moral principles for all people everywhere?
Morality cannot be a goal in itself and the same expression of morality cannot apply to everybody at all times. The world is constantly changing and people’s moral awareness therefore also changes. As a result, people somewhere and at …
PROUT is against capitalism and accepts capitalists. Is it a trick?
The capitalist mindset is a natural human trait. PROUT acknowledges the value of all human competences and utilises them for progress, maximum utilisation and rational distribution. Natural capitalist-constructive capabilities such as capital formation, financial management, etc. will continue to serve human beings under PROUT. Society cannot do without natural …
PROUT claims Universality but promotes groupification along ethnic, linguistic, socio-economic and other lines. Isn’t it a contradiction in terms?
PROUT’s concept of Samaj is dynamic and progressive. It is not a static concept such as nationalism. A samaj is defined by certain criteria, such as a common background, common needs, and common potentialities. Ultimately we all have the same background, …
PROUT proposes to deliver “the good and happiness of all”. Why this absolute claim?
P.R. Sarkar chose to conclude his fundamental economic principles with the following: “This is the Progressive Utilisation Theory, propounded for the good and happiness of all.” PROUT aims higher than creating welfare for many. Its concept of society states that no one should lag behind in …
If spirituality is real to you, how can you not mix it with everything else in your life? As spirituality is a fast-rising trend, PROUT views the integration of spirituality with all other aspects of life as an essential future human trend.
It was certainly not the intention of Karl Marx, but his …
PROUT’s concept of leadership by “sadvipras” doesn’t seem to be democratic but dictatorial.
Democracy is a current form of rule in the ongoing history of various forms of governing human society. After two bloody world wars and recent ethnic and religious fundamentalist backlashes, this particular system of governance “by, for, and of the people” (Abraham Lincoln) has gained currency as …
PROUT says the economy should be controlled by local people. But the art of running businesses successfully and the science of economics require particular skills and expertise; how can we expect “local people” to manage it?
“Localisation” is a popular term among those who are looking for an alternative to capitalism. PROUT’s concept of localisation has several important aspects to …