Category Archives: Socioeconomics

Vested Interests

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Vested interests have taken advantage of human ignorance and have penetrated deeply into every arena of society: social, economic, psychic and spiritual. They want to suck dry the entire vitality of humanity. Vested interests do not want the ignorant to see the light of wisdom or the downtrodden to climb up the social ladder; they do …

Economic Indicators for Setting the Minimum and Maximum Wages

Economists have long wrestled with the question of how to achieve the most efficient output and distribution, in a way that is also equitable and fair. However, economic efficiency and fairness have generally been regarded as two separate issues. Many have argued that economists should not even consider equity at all.

“PROUT ensures an adequate “living wage” for every worker,

The Right to Live!

These days, a person who possesses wealth is respected and revered whereas a person without money is a person honored by none… Bereft of everything, people toil ‘round the clock to earn a mere pittance… The railway stations and market places are full of half-clad beggars and lepers desperately stretching out their begging bowls… The poor live in shantytowns, barely

100% Employment for Local People

P.R. Sarkar
(31. December 1984) – There should be 100% employment for the local people. The basic right of all people is to be guaranteed the minimum essentials for their existence, including at least proper food, clothing, housing, education and medical care. This basic right should be arranged through cent per cent guaranteed employment, not through welfare or dole-outs. Unemployment …

Full Employment and Reduction of Working Hours

In 1958, while addressing a wide range of social and economic issues prior to the formulation of PROUT, P.R. Sarkar commented that work hours should be shared and that it is impossible to effect such sharing under capitalism due to its domineering profit-motivation:

“The use of advanced scientific technology means rapid mechanization. Conservative people vociferously criticize this mechanization. Actually, such …

The Wealth Cap and Other Practical Proposals for Reducing Inequality

Ac. Krsnasevananda Avt.
Inequality is the issue of the day – the real cause behind the prolonged recession and a major contributing factor in social, environmental and ethical issues affecting societies all over the world. It is finally dawning upon the public (and even upon some economists) that if you keep increasing production capacity (by making people work longer for …

FAQ: Socio-economics

What is the prime motivation of proutistic economy?
In order to guarantee the minimum requirements of all and to keep economic life free from stagnancy, the economy should be consumption-motivated and not profit-motivated. Physical wealth is in limited supply. There is enough for everyone’s needs but not for even a single persons’ greed. Since physical wealth is limited, it cannot …

Socioeconomic Movements

P.R. Sarkar
In nearly all countries of the world economically privileged or advanced groups are mercilessly exploiting other economically backward groups and sucking their vitality, gagging their voice and closing all the doors of their future progress. To overcome this tyranny and exploitation, movements will have to be launched for those suppressed people so that they can stride boldly forward, …