Finance should support the production of consumer goods and services. Instead, financial markets offer products or “tools” for speculators eager to squeeze the juice of the fruit that really belongs to all.
Present futures markets have far outgrown their agricultural origins. … the trading and hedging of financial products using futures dwarfs the traditional commodity markets, and plays a major
By Ganesh Bhatt
Revolution is defined as a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation, a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system, a drastic change in a field such as industry or technology, or similarly, a sudden, often violent uprising from the people to change the political system.
This …
Picture above: Youth protesters on Madrid's Plaza del Sol manifesting against unemployment and corruption among politicians
[Prout Globe, June 2016] – Issue-oriented movements are challenging old-fashioned party politics everywhere. The trend is obvious in Europe where scores of popular movements, such as Italy’s Five Star Movement (currently holding the mayoral post of Rome), Spain’s Podemos, and Greece’s Golden Dawn continue …
Brief, electrifying slogans, about 5-12 words each, can inspire people and awaken their curiosity about PROUT. Choose your favorites, combine them, create your own. Put on banners, signs and T-shirts, with small letters at the bottom: “The Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT)” and the local web page.
A new vision for all living beings. Basic necessities for all.
Be a flame …
All popular movements are rooted in a sentiment, because an emotional appeal is always stronger than logic. Negative sentiments, such as those directed against another race, nation or class, divide humanity and eventually cause great suffering. Instead, leaders should arouse positive sentiments based on the cultural legacy of the people. The spirit of the people can be rallied against exploitation, …
David D Blessing
(Address to the Occupy Denver, Colorado, USA movement, October 2011) – Thank you for taking the time to hear my concerns. I like many of the people here gathered, am outraged by events of recent history involving the influence of private vested corporate interests over government policy. I feel sickened, ripped off, and abused. I am not …
(October 5, 2011) – We received a request from Occupy Wall Street! Proutist protesters to chip in a leaflet for today’s march. Here’s the text we suggested (download the leaflet here):
Capitalism + Political Democracy = Slavery
Cap the freedom to accumulate wealth! The Earth and its citizens can no longer sustain capitalism.
Economic Democracy = Welfare and

Proutists protesting against rising petrol prices in Faridabad
(Faridabad, Delhi, September 20, 2011) – Under the aegis of the Proutist Bloc of India (PBI) people on the streets of Faridabad registered a strong protest in the form of a demonstration and procession from Hardware Chowk, a main square in Faridabad city outside of Delhi, to the District Commissioner’s office where …
For the good and happiness of all