Category Archives: Comparative

Only Prout Brings Full Self-rule

The following has been prepared for a Prout conference in Bihar, India. Its pointed analysis of Gandhism, Capitalism, Communism, nationalism and Prout should be universally educative.

Picture above: Politicians, agricultural scientists and locals visiting a zero-tillage wheat field in Bhagwatpur Climate-Smart Village of Samstipur district in Bihar, India. Photo: Deepak, CIMMYT

PROUT Alone Brings Sampurna Swaraj

Since the dawn of society …

Comparing Prout with Participatory Economics

One of the very few other alternatives to capitalist market economies and to centrally planned socialism is called Participatory Economics. Activist Michael Albert wrote the definitive work introducing it called Participatory Economics: Life After Capitalism.[1] Abbreviated as “parecon”, it uses participatory decision-making to guide the production, consumption and allocation of resources in a given society. The author describes parecon …

Comparing Prout to Marxism and Communism

Sarkar respected Karl Marx, saying he was “a good person, a thoughtful person, and a prophet for the poor.”[1] Marx wrote a brilliant, methodical analysis of capitalism in the 1800s, Das Kapital, Volumes 1-3, approximately 3,000 pages in length, in which he demonstrated that capitalism is exploitive in nature and suffers from internal contradictions or weaknesses that contribute to …

A Proutist Response to Land Value Capture

By John Gross, PhD., Department of Economics, Duke University

Land value taxes or geo-taxes, based on the ideas of Henry George, have a valuable role when properly applied within a capitalist economy, or in any economic setting in which a small proportion of the population controls most of the land and its resources.

A Proutist economy, however, is very different …

The Radical Nature of PROUT

By Dr. Marcos Arruda

The nine years that have passed since Dada Maheshvarananda first published this precious book have proven its validity and relevance. The first decade of the 21st century dramatically revealed the chaotic, dehumanizing and destructive nature of global capital. Capitalism’s logic of maximum profit in the shortest time, with minimal government regulation and intervention has created a …

Prout Compared with Capitalism and Communism

Beyond collectivism and individualism: To distinguish PROUT clearly from communism and capitalism, the significant differences between these respective systems are reviewed below.

This article in table format    PROUT Comparative page

Human development

Human development under communism is primarily concerned with the political and economic spheres of life. Under capitalism there is a pluralistic expression of personal freedom, with no clear …

Capitalism, Marxism and Neohumanist Economics

By Gary Coyle

The essential link between neohumanism and economics is that neohumanism provides an ethical framework and value system within which all economic activity can be directly related to human welfare. The major schools of economic thought, whether capitalist or Marxist, are based upon materialist values and vested interests, which prevent them actuating the fullest possibilities of human welfare.…

Sarkar, Toynbee and Marx

Dr. Ravi Batra
In attempting to unravel the mysteries of history in imputing order to the seemingly disorderly currents in the human past, in reaching out to the future, Sarkar has joined the august company of Toynbee, Marx, Hegel, Spengler, Wells, among many others; and in erudition and breadth of vision, he is not excelled by any. Quite a few …

The Historical Need for PROUT

Ac. Krtashivananda Avt.
Human history is not a series of secular happenings without any shape or direction; it is an evolutionary process, a meaningful development. Those who observe the peripheral movement are carried away by the wars and battles, economic disorder, and political upheavals. But the real drama is acted out in its inner layer, where the conflict between the …