There should be a proper adjustment among these physical, metaphysical, mundane, supramundane and spiritual utilizations
Proper Adjustment Among Utilizations
The maximum utilization on which so much emphasis has been given in the second and third principles should not be confined to any particular sphere as that may lead to certain disadvantages. First, …
There should be maximum utilization of all physical, metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of unit and collective body of the human society.
Maximum Utilization of All Potentialities
The individual and the collectivity is a controversial issue in the social and economic spheres. Those who attach all importance to individuals alone are all out …
There should be maximum utilization and rational distribution of all mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the universe.
The first principle of PROUT is intended to fulfil artificial human wants. But apart from these man-made wants there are certain natural ones, which are difficult to satisfy for the existing theories. While desperately attempting in vain …
From the booklet PROUT, What It Stands For
Before analysing the Progressive Utilization Theory in detail, let us see what is actually meant by the term progress. Nowadays a tendency has developed to use to word “progressive” as a means to attract people in one’s favour just as the two often quoted words “democracy” in politics and “socialism” in economics …
As a sequel to the intolerably increased burden of capitalism and communism the moderates have evolved a midway – the mixed economy. It is a peculiar medley of the mutually contradictory theories of capitalism and socialism. In reality mixed economy is ludicrously absurd.
It is preposterous to think of a lasting friendship …
PROUT presents a happy blending of individual and collective interests. The following offers a brief look at the way these interests have been promoted by capitalist and collectivist (communist) theories respectively.
From the booklet PROUT, What It Stands For
The Age of Adam Smith and Capitalism
Adam Smith – the father of modern capitalist philosophy – was deeply influenced by …
Q. What is the fundamental difference between the proutistic political system and other political systems with reference to motivation and structure?
The motivation and purpose behind the proutistic political system is basically to administer in a manner so that economic institutions are able to materialize the principles and policies of a progressive economy, and that the society progresses ahead with …
Q. What should be the percentage of population supporting themselves on agriculture?
In a developed economy only 30 to 45% of the population should support themselves on agriculture. In countries where a greater population live on agriculture there should be an endeavour to shift the surplus population to agro-based and agrico-(post-harvest) industries.
PROUT propounds a system of decentralization of economic power. The centralization of economic power, whether it is in the hands of individuals or the state, such as under capitalism and communism respectively, leads to economic-political exploitation. Private capitalists venture to suck the vital juice from the social tree.