Category Archives: Bengal

Amra Bangali

Amra Bangali (“We are Bengalis!”) is a people’s movement in India, a Proutistic samaj movement based on the values and objectives of PROUT.

The Amra Bangali movement is wedded to the idea that the quality of life of poor people will only improve only when people are encouraged to attend to their own socio-economic and cultural needs first in a …

The Slave Trade in Women in Bengal

P.R. Sarkar
In the coastal areas of Bengal, the Portuguese carried out piracy. Their main business was to kidnap children and young men and women from the coastal areas if Chittagong, Noakhali and Bakharganj districts of eastern Bengal and sell them to wealthy families of western Bengal. They made huge profits out of this trade. The ealthy families of Burdwan, …