Ac. Krtashivananda Avt.
Social boards born out of civic society should be formed to balance the power of political structure. Political institutions are one of society’s many types of institutions. The political institutions should not interfere with cultural and educational institutions, mass media, trade unions and other professional bodies. In economic development, too, its function should be to coordinate only.
Social boards should supervise the above relationships. Today, in the absence of such social institutions, every one of these functions are controlled by political bureaucrats in totalitarian countries, whereas in democratic countries capitalists directly control the above institutions and thereby indirectly influence the collective psychology.
Social boards will not interfere in the day-to-day activities of the political structure. Instead they will focus on whether the constitution or any human rights are violated. They will be assisted in their function by organised unions and different professional bodies. They will guide the educational policies, assist the growth of value-oriented spiritual culture, and will frame the guiding principles for the mass media. In the absence of such a system the mass media mostly serve the interest of the ruling class.
The influence of the social boards will restrain political and economic exploitation or any misuse of power. Previously, religious institutions played such a role to some extent but their power was confined to a particular class, the priests, and religious dogma created another form of suppression.
The members of social boards will represent different sections of society. Only value-oriented intellectuals and spiritually awakened people should take upon themselves the responsibility to form such social institutions. They should neither be selected by any government, nor be elected through normal franchise. Those selfless persons, whose integrity is beyond doubt, and who can infuse confidence and dynamism in people’s minds, will gain the support of the people through consensus. Such enlightened people should take the initiative to organize themselves on a global basis with their respective functioning branches. They will introduce a normal democratic process in their internal functioning.
Now the question may arise as to what will be the source of the social boards’ power? These can be as follows:
- Most importantly, their strong moral integrity, selfless attitude, courage, dynamism and spiritual awareness will be their source of spiritual power.
- The world constitution should incorporate their supervisory jurisdiction over the political institutions.
- A strong and powerful social infrastructure will guarantee their popular support and ensure their organised power.
- The global social board will control the world militia.
Social boards on a world level will also control all the research and construction of sophisticated weapons if needed. They will remain responsible for decisions about the use of nuclear energy or the like. The formation of such policies should be vested with social boards.
With the higher evolution of social consciousness, the role and function of social institutions will expand without the fear of interference by the dominating class. Today we find that everywhere governments have distanced themselves from the people. They have let bureaucracy grow in abnormal proportions. People’s aspirations and sentiments have constantly been ignored. Take for example, the aspirations of the people of Tibet, Palestine and Iraq, who are all ruthlessly suppressed. The native Americans, and other minorities throughout the world have yet to get the scope for their free expression.
Social control will neutralise the power-hungry dictators, minimize the role of bureaucracy and safeguard the rights of the minorities. At higher levels these boards will neutralize superpowers. They will enable free expression of creative arts without political and other sectarian influence. They will arrest the growth of pseudo-culture which is proliferating in the guise of art and literature. The fear of political repression and economic domination will be eliminated.
If in any parts of the world any self styled dictator or group violates human rights and tries to create disunity, the World Government will take direct action with the approval of the global social board.
Copyright The author 2011