At times, one problem blocks the solution to other problems. If we could solve only a single problem of the Ukraine crisis, which would it be?
The acute problem is that nobody is able to stop a power-crazed leader from going to war. The world lacks a strong, unifying institution that not only states that war is illegal, but also …
In the short time since the middle of the 20th Century, there has been an irrepressible growth of globalism. A vast network of air transport spans the planet. Telecommunications have become global. Pop culture is a shared experience of much of humanity. Ideas flow freely, almost in real time, throughout the global reach of the Worldwide Web. …
The more time is passing by, the more the glare of casteism, provincialism, communalism and nationalism is fading away. The human beings of today must understand that in the near future they will definitely have to accept universalism. So those who seek to promote social welfare will have to mobilize all their vitality and intellect …
Many people say that different national interests are the only hurdle in the formation of a world government. In my opinion this is not the only obstruction; rather, this is just a minor difficulty. The real cause lies in the fear of local leaders losing their leadership. With the establishment of a world government the powerful influence, …
Neo-global order, comprising of functionally-sustainable communities, self-reliant economic zones, regional federations, and world government.
Need for a Neo World Order
The current world order necessitates requirements, such as (i) a new format of locally employable economic system (empowering local people) which can …
The range of reforms or thinking about the future of the UN in emerging world orders is largely predicated on prior beliefs of the nature of the good society and on possible futures of the emerging world order. This article investigates these positions, summarizes recommendations for UN transformation and provides a synopsis of relevant bibliography.
P.R. Sarkar
The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc. Often I hear people say that nationalism is an appreciable sentiment and that there is no narrowness in it. But is this true? Nationalism is also relative, just like tribalism, communalism or provincialism. In some places it …
Universalism does not depend upon any relative factor, hence it is free from the vices of ism. Ism thrives on the angle of group interest. Among many other factors, ism is a major factor in war. War is not an ideological clash. Those who are eager to establish peace should shake off nationalism and other allied isms.
Dr. Sohail Inayatullah – Professor, Tamkang University, Taiwan and Sunshine Coast University, Australia,
While we are all aware why we do not have peace in South Asia, there is a paucity of explorations on how to create a better future. The lack of peace defined as both individual peace (inner contentment), social-psychological peace (how we see the Other), structural …
(2003) – From a political and moral perspective, the US-led war against Iraq was an unjust war. While military force against a brutal tyrant like Saddam Hussain may be justified, it should always be a last resort, after all diplomatic means have been exercised. Moreover, if such a military action is finally undertaken, it should be led …