India: the Political Deal
By Taraka
Since the dawn of society people have longed for a real community where they would live with love and peace and where all the talents and dreams of every person would blossom. Taking advantage of this longing in the human heart various exploiters have used ideologies to fool people into keeping them in control …
The following was authored by Shrii Sarkar in 1959 as part of the two-part Human Society series. For clarification on the various psycho-social classes mentioned in the article, please see Shrii Sarkar's discourse on the dynamics of the social cycle and related material on this site.
By Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar
The subservient intellectuals employ all their intellectual power to …
By P.R. Sarkar
Considering the collective interests of all living beings, it is essential that capitalism be eradicated. But, what should be the proper method to achieve this end?
It cannot be denied that violence gives rise to violence. Then again, nothing can ensure that the application of force without violence, with the intention of rectification, will necessarily bring good …
On non-violence, rural economy and the Indian independence movement
Gandhi: As I just said, satyagraha is based on uncertainty. It avoids adding to the countless deeds of horror that have been perpetuated in history. Moreover, non-violence, or perhaps, least violence (to be correct philosophically) is not a weapon of the weak. It is a weapon of the strongest and …
Previously published in Global Times (Copenhagen Denmark), 1998 (3).
By Sohail Inayatullah, Ph.D.
Mahatma Gandhi and Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar are products of Indian cosmology and among the most significant thinkers to emerge from South Asia. Gandhi is well known for his non-violent philosophy and tactics but also for his championing of local economics. Given the dangers of globalism today, …
For the good and happiness of all