PROUT’s solution to wealth concentration

Prognosis for 2030: The richest 1% will control two-thirds of world’s wealth. – UK House of Commons library figures
2024: Half of the world’s net wealth belongs to the top 1%, top 10% hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15%. – Wikipedia
2023: Richest 1% bag nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years. – Oxfam
2022: The world’s richest 10% take home more than half of global income, while the poorest half only earns 8%. Over the past two decades, the income gap between the top 10% and bottom 50% has nearly doubled. – The 2022 Word Inequality Report
2021 During the pandemic, the combined wealth of the world’s 10 richest men rose by $540bn. This amount would be enough to prevent the world from falling into poverty because of the virus, and pay for vaccines for all. – Oxfam
2019 The world’s 26 richest people own the same wealth as the poorest half of humanity. – Oxfam
2018 The super-rich accumulated 82% of the wealth created the year before – the poorest half of world got nothing. – Oxfam
2017 World’s 8 richest men are as wealthy as half the world’s population. – Oxfam
2016 World’s richest 62 people as wealthy as half of the world population. – Oxfam
2015 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99% by next year. – Oxfam
Russia 20+ years after the collapse of Communism:
– 1% of the Russian population controlled 71% of all wealth
– 110 persons controlled 35% of all wealth
– More than 9 out of 10 Russians owned less than the equivalent of $10.000 – Credit Suisse 2013
Concentration of the value of wealth is the fundamental cause of depression. The purchasing capacity of wealth is its real value.
Socio-economic decentralisation does not diminish or dissipate economic potential. Localisation removes regional disparity because wealth is distributed almost equally everywhere.
Dignified socio-economies both closed and open, Prout’s synthesis of protectionism, free trade, and the beginnings of integrated world society.