All posts by Prabhakar

Pod 4: Socio-economic Movements

Welcome to episode four of Prout Consciousness where we will take a look at Prout’s idea of self-reliant socio-economic units. So far in the series we have discussed decentralised economic democracy and cooperatives, which are practical models for implementing Prout. Now the question comes as to how realistic those models are and how they may be implemented—on …

Pod 3: Cooperatives

Welcome to episode three of Prout Consciousness and its appraisal of Prout’s cooperative sector.

Cooperatives, or coops, are the heartbeat of Prout’s localized economic system. As far as form and functioning goes coops are fairly straight-forward entities. The International Cooperative Alliance, ICA, defines a coop as a self-governing association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common …

Pod 2: Economic Democracy

Welcome to episode 2 of Prout Consciousness and its discussion on economic democracy. What is the main difference between political and economic democracy? To most people, the right to vote is what is democracy. This universal franchise is the holy cow of political democracy. In addition, the right to express one’s political views and even to join …

People Want Economic Democracy

By Prabhakar T. Overland

A certain socioeconomic issue seems to be staring the world’s legislators and policymakers in their face: How can a minimum of wealth be distributed to allow people to stay calm so that the economy remains intact? A bit like the Corona virus conundrum then: How many vaccinated people does it take for the pressure on hospitals …

All Samajas of the World

Socio-economic units should be formed throughout the world on the basis of same economic problems, uniform economic potentialities, ethnic similarities, common sentimental legacy and similar geographical features. … Socio-economic units will have to adopt economic decentralization so that the local people will be able to obtain all the requirements necessary for their physical, psychic and spiritual progress.

– Shrii Prabhat