All posts by Prabhakar

Our Planetary Brain Hemispheres

By Prabhakar T. Overland

The United Nations (UN) has been hanging in the balance ever since the beginning of the Cold War. These days, the UN is deemed irrelevant as far as solving global crises goes. The brokering of peace in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere takes place not at the NYC UN headquarters but at the White House in Washington. …

How to Annex Sustainability

People tend to either infringe on others or keep to themselves. We are all on this behavioural spectrum, somewhere between letting it all out to keeping it all in.

When a political leader wants to annex a neighbouring country, it is only what the politically unconstrained have been doing forever. Fair or unfair, human or inhuman was never an issue …

Climate Change Adaptation Through Economic Democracy

By Shriraksha Mohan
Originally published as a Student Paper in Local and Global Regional Economies, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA


Climate change, exacerbated by a warming planet, is a serious threat humanity faces in current times. We are already living in the midst of irreversible change to the global climate, and are experiencing its disastrous consequences. Developing resilience …

Vested Interests

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Vested interests have taken advantage of human ignorance and have penetrated deeply into every arena of society: social, economic, psychic and spiritual. They want to suck dry the entire vitality of humanity. Vested interests do not want the ignorant to see the light of wisdom or the downtrodden to climb up the social ladder; they do …

Episode 8: Progress

Welcome to episode 8 of Prout Consciousness and a discussion on Prout’s concept of progress. Progress is one of those big words people use at times to promote particular individual or collective talents. A politician may say at the opening of a new bridge: “By uniting our strength and skills we overcome tremendous obstacles to celebrate progress …

Prout in 60 minutes

On repeated requests, we are happy to make Prout in 60 minutes available again to readers and students. The program is intended as an introduction to basic concepts and principles of Prout. The original format has been kept from when it was developed in the early 2000s at Prout World, the forerunner to the present Prout Globe. Some of the …

Pod 7: Prout’s Political Thought

Welcome to episode seven of Prout Consciousness where we will be discussing Prout’s political thought. At the outset, let it be advised that listening to earlier episodes would enable a better appreciation of what is being presented in this episode, as Prout’s political ideas all rest firmly on concepts presented earlier.

Prout invests economic power with the …

Pod 5: Prout’s Philosophy

Welcome to episode five of Prout Consciousness where we will be exploring the philosophical basis of Prout. As is well known, certain laws govern our existence. We all have an autonomic nervous system that governs itself, we live for some time only, and during our life everything keeps changing beyond our control. Such existential laws just cannot …