All posts by Prabhakar

The Political System of PROUT

Dr. Ravi Batra
Every socio-economic system has a political system that supports it. PROUT is no exception. And as in all other respects it radically differs from current or past frameworks of government. It is based on strict morality, on what is good and shining in human beings. It contends that ever since the genesis of civilization some six thousand …

Society and State

Ac. Krtashivananda Avt.
Sarkar has described the inner spirit of society as to move together. Society originated as a family in the early phase, and was strengthened subsequently under the guidance of group mothers and group fathers. With growing social complexity, group leaders emerged as monarchs. The emergence of classical religion made the social structure stronger under the dominance …

Collective Psychology

Gary Coyle
Sarkar evolved his conception of class theory by analyzing human history and developing models of the different collective psychologies that have dominated society. He sees collective psychology rather than the interaction of material forces as the motivating force in human history. This is because human beings are essentially psychic beings with unlimited mental and spiritual potential, and society …

De-classed leadership

Gary Coyle
The relationship between ideology and the collective psychologies is both personal and impersonal. While the ruling class may embody some of the aspects of ideology in its popular culture, either through a genuine sense of social welfare or merely as an expedient tactic to camouflage its exploitative intentions, it will always prove deficient in one area or another …

Fragile Political Democracy

P.R. Sarkar
It is claimed that democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people. After the early primitive (shu’dra) era power passed into the hands of tribal chiefs. In the course of time clan leaders became feudal kings. The theory of democracy was born out of feelings of revolt against the tyranny of …

Nuclear Revolution

P.R. Sarkar
A society may be described as the collection of numerous parallel psychic waves which originate due to the psychic tendency of moving together in unison. The glory of human society lies in the formation of a universal collective structure inspired by exalted ideas.

Dynamicity and staticity are inseparably associated with both individual and collective movement. Society is constantly …

Dynamics of the Social Cycle

P.R. Sarkar
Primitive human beings had no society and the whole set-up was individualistic. Even the concept of family was absent. Life was brute and non-intellectual. Nature was the direct abode and physical strength ruled the day. The strong enjoyed at the cost of the weak, who had to surrender before the voracity of the physical giants. However, the sense …

The Value-oriented Middleclass

Beyond the Left and Right

Moral and spiritual people may be found among the rich and poor alike. In most cases however value-oriented activist-minded visionaries may be found particularly amongst the middle class.

This is the middle class of the warrior-minded and intellectual enslaved by the acquisitive class. Their class is not defined by economic or social standards, but by …

A People’s Fundamental Characteristics

By Trond Øverland

The inherent and fundamental characteristics of an entity—its nature—should be studied if one wants to care for and develop that entity. According to PROUT, the fundamental human characteristic has three aspects: physical, psycho-spiritual, and psycho-social.

Our physical characteristics includes  basic biological functions of sleep, hunger and thirst, procreative urge, and fight-or-flight survival response. These are aspects which …