1978 India Today Interview with Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar

Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar on his first appearance the day after he was released from jail, 3 August 1978. Photo: Stern

The following interview with Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar was published by the Indian fortnightly India Today (1-15 August, 1978), titled “The Mystery Man”. The interview came about just days before Sarkar's release from Bankipur Jail (Patna, Bihar) as a result of Sarkar's personal assistant bringing into the jail a set of questions from India Today's journalist to which Sarkar replied. It is the only interview with a public or commercial media that Sarkar ever participated in.

Source: The original India Today article (PDF)

Question: How do you feel about the verdict of the High Court? While millions of your followers the world over celebrated the day as “Victory of Dharma” you did not express any reaction and one of your followers explained that since you are Nirbhikar (passionless) you received the news coolly. Is it a fact you never react to anything and if so why?

Answer: Victory of Dharma is a natural phenomenon. Everything natural should be accepted with normal coolness.

Q: Your followers allege that you and your organization have been a victim of a calculated malicious propaganda by a certain agency aimed at destroying your organization. Much damage has been caused to your organization during the past seven years during which you were in jail. Now, if you are acquitted of all charges, how do you plan to remove misunderstanding from public mind to re-establish your organization?

A: We will be doing our humanitarian duties with subjective approach and objective adjustment.

Q: Much confusion was created in the past because of lack of communication between you and the general public. Do you now think it is proper to have public contact so that the confusion does not persist? Why have you lived a secluded life in the past?

A: There is no necessity of my coming in public contact because actual social service is rendered by the workers of the organization. I simply assist the workers.

Q: The speed with which Ananda Marga has spread in the West and attracted a large number of people has created misgivings that it is being supported or sponsored by some foreign agencies. Moreover, your attack on KGB and CBI in the past without mentioning the name of CIA has added to the confusion. What have you to say to this allegation?

A: I do not know if CIA did any harm to Ananda Marga. If the same is brought to my notice with sufficient proof I will certainly condemn them.  I have got no weakness for any organization. Good people should always be supported and bad condemned in unambiguous language.

Q: It was alleged that you wanted to capture political power and establish Sadvipra Raj in the world. No doubt this was refuted in the court but at the same time the books referred to in the court during trial confirmed this view in which you have said, “Violence is the essence of life.” How do you explain this fact?

A: What I said in the court is final. The word I use is Sadvipra Samaj and not Sadvipra Raj. Raj [rule] is a microscopic fraction of Samaj [society]. My view regarding violence has already been clarified by me. It is not always Himsa [harmful application of force]. My interpretation of violence can co-exist with Ahimsa.

Q: Do you have any political ambitions? Do you feel that unless corruption was removed the society would not be to your liking? And how do you want to establish that kind of society? Unless you take active part in politics, is it possible?

A: I have got no political ambition. I have propounded the theory of PROUT for the welfare of human society. This theory will be materialized by those who love it.

Q: What is your opinion about democracy?

A: Democracy can be successful only where the following essential factors are present at least amongst 51% of the voters – morality, literacy and socio-economic-political consciousness. Otherwise it is an instrument to befool the public. [END]

5 thoughts on “1978 India Today Interview with Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar”

  1. This very Organization is the torch bearing for the suffering humanity..
    Do join this Slogan

  2. shrii pr sarkar described very perfect in a short about democracy.and throw us the question IN WHICH DEMOCRACY WE ARE LIVING NOW?
    For resolving this problem he propounded PROUT.
    AMRA BANGALI is not a political party to occupy power rather it is a socio-economic movement.

  3. Shri P.R. Sarkar is really the perfect super consciousness who graced the human society to uplift it from the darkest end to light. People must follow HIM.

  4. Morality,literacy,and socio-economic-political consciousness are the basic requirement for the democracy.otherwise it will be a rightly said by baba,a foolocracy. It will be far the people, off the people and buy the people.

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