Acharya Santosananda Avadhuta
Prout Bloc of India (PBI)
From prehistoric times human beings have been strongly motivated by an irresistible urge to lead a happy and peaceful life. This expressed itself in the evolution of science and technology. While human beings have been active on the physical plane to become more happy and prosperous they have also been active on …
By Trond Øverland
This article follows up on the earlier article “Revolutionaries Should Practice Yoga” published in Prout Magazine (Delhi) May 2016. As mentioned there, in order to establish pervasive synthesis in society spiritual revolutionaries should practice yoga. The following looks at the functioning of the practice of yogic asanas in particular as an essential vehicle to healthy living in
Picture above: A section of the audience enjoying the street theatre performance of Mukta Bhumir Meye ("Daughters of Liberated Land") downtown Krishnanagar during the Prout UTC
(Krishnanagar, 21 December) – A five-day Prout utilisation camp (UTC) was conducted at Krishnanagar in Nadia District, West Bengal from 17 to 21 December. More than 300 students, youth, Prout leaders (BPs, UBPs and various committee …
Picture above: The PROUT Parikrama at Goaltor village, Midnapur District, West Bengal
(PROUT Globe) – A four-day Prout Parikrama ("moving around") in Midnapur district of West Bengal was held to promote Prout in this significant cadre-producing district. The Parikrama started on 12th October from the Kerani tala Ananda Marga School campus. A motorcade of five four-wheelers and a bus carrying …
By Liila Hass – What do we mean by “social change”? When we look all around us, and wake to gross economic injustices, the treatment of asylum seekers, the wanton destruction of rainforests, the abuse of farm animals, the wiping out of diversity of species, all for profit and the hoarding of wealth, many of us are called on to …
Photo: From a 2014 PBI rally in Bhuvaneshwar, Odisha, India.
By Acharya Santosananda Avadhuta
From prehistoric times human beings have been strongly motivated by the urge to lead a happy and peaceful life. This irresistible urge expressed itself in the form of the origin and evolution of science and technology. While human beings have been active on the material …
R.M. Baseman, an associate researcher and advisor to the PROUT Research Institute of Venezuela, conducted a passive Internet survey to find worldwide consensus on the question of co-op success. First he found primary-source articles and publications in which authors expressed opinions and conclusions about the success and failure of co-ops. The sources reflected experience from all continents and more than …
By Dada Daneshananda
In June 2000 I arrived in West Africa to coordinate AMURT development projects. These last twelve years have been an incredible adventure for me, giving me the special privilege to work closely with the people in villages in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Nigeria. I am very grateful for having had this opportunity to expand my mind and …
“Know the area,” said P.R. Sarkar. If you understand which are the right questions to ask, you are close to finding the answers. Below is a list of questions for a PROUT Study/Action Circle and to kick-start a block level plan. Sources you can consult to find the answers include government statistics, non-governmental organizations, the United Nations and the CIA …
Brief, electrifying slogans, about 5-12 words each, can inspire people and awaken their curiosity about PROUT. Choose your favorites, combine them, create your own. Put on banners, signs and T-shirts, with small letters at the bottom: “The Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT)” and the local web page.
A new vision for all living beings. Basic necessities for all.
Be a flame …
For the good and happiness of all