At the core of PROUT are its five fundamental principles formulated by Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar in 1959, and subsequently published in Idea and Ideology. These core principles were incorporated as aphorisms 12 to 16 of the fifth chapter of Ananda Sutram (1962) along with the 11 social and socio-economic principles of PROUT. These 16 principles form the basis of PROUT.
7 social principles of PROUT
1st social principle: Dominance of a social class
2nd social principle: Enlightened moral and spiritual leadership at centre
3rd social principle: Nature of evolution
4th social principle: Nature of revolution
5th social principle: Nature of counterevolution
6th social principle: Nature of counterrevolution
7th social principle: Peripheric evolution (“full circle”)
4 socio-economic principles of PROUT
1st socio-economic principle: Natural diversity
2nd socio-economic principle: Guaranteed minimum necessities
3rd socio-economic principle: Amenities
4th socio-economic principle: Increasing standard of living
The Four Socio-economic Principles of PROUT, by Gary Coyle
Sarkar’s text on Laws on Social Dynamics encapsulates PROUT’s teachings of diversity, change and relativity. It explains the mobility of classes throughout the social cycle, and elucidates the need to evolve a perspective of integrated diversity of collective life in general.