2 thoughts on “FAQ”

  1. Namaskar, I need your supplemental support on my concept to solve traffic congestion n all the cities in the world particularly in a country like the Philippines they said it is part of economic growth however on my researched and observational assessment. they build and lost on the economy, environment, and health THE COMMONLY ADVSEE IS INFRASTRUCTURE OF ROADS AND OTHERS BUT THINK THERE IS MONEY MAKING ON THS PROGRAM ON THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY NOT MERELY FOR PUBLIC WELFARE BECAUSE THERE IS NO MASTER PLAN TO DECENTRALIZED OTHER INSTITUTION WERE TRAFFIC IN PEAK HOUR IS A PROBLEM
    My concern is the concept of using traffic ccongestion IN WHICH S I AM THE AUTHOR OF THS PROPOSED POLICY CONCEPT IN THE CONGRESS AND SENATE is the solution or reduce car reduction however this is were is am getting in on the picture that the economy must be decentralized and base on the model of a progressive city TO SOLVE HUMAN day time population AT THE SAME TIME CONTROL OF TRAVEL TIME PER DAY WINDOW HOUR MUST BE reduced to a certain degree on daytime human congestion, is this possible only to get the marketing idea of PROUT ECONOMY BUT THHE REAL THING IS MY CONCEPT TO DISSEMINATE PROUT BABA MISSION THROUGH MARKETING STRATEGY WHILE HELPING THE GOVERNMENT AND GIVING SHADES TO A BRITHGER CONCEPT POLICY FOR PUBLIC WELFARE



    1. Hello, would you say traffic congestion is a follow-on from urbanization? Prout holds that urbanization is the result of capital concentration. Decentralized habitat should be the way for traffic congestion, too. Those megacities are not for the future, and the proof of that is not only Covid.

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