Prout Consciousness

A Podcast Series on the Fundamentals of
the Progressive Utilisation Theory

AUDIO episodes / pods

Season 1, second half 2024:
Pod 1: Introduction
Pod 2: Economic Democracy
Pod 3: Cooperatives
Pod 4: Socioeconomic Movements
Pod 5: Philosophy
Pod 6: Theory of History
Pod 7: Political Thought
Pod 8: Progress

Season 2:
Pod 9: Utilisation
Pod 10: Theory
Pod 11: The 1st Fundamental Principle
Pod 12: The 2nd Fundamental Principle
Pod 13: The 3rd Fundamental Principle
Pod 14: The 4th Fundamental Principle
Pod 15: The 5th Fundamental Principle
Pod 16: The Problem With Dogmas

“There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them. Secondly, people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. Occupation, spiritual practice and mother tongue are very important to human beings. If the sentiments associated with them are hurt, human beings will be deeply affected. So, you should never violate these cardinal socio-political principles.”
– Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
“Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles”
Prout in a Nutshell Part 16

Podcast series sources

Prout in a Nutshell parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 (2009/1987-1991), P.R. Sarkar. All books by P.R. Sarkar by Ananda Marga Publications.
Proutist Economics, P.R. Sarkar (2016/1992).
The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism (1982), P.R. Sarkar
Neohumanism in a Nutshell parts 1 & 2 (1987), P.R. Sarkar
Fundamentals of Prout vol. 1 & 2, Ac. Nirmalananda Avt. Proutist Universal (1970).
Understanding Sarkar: The Indian Episteme, Macrohistory and Transformative Knowledge, Sohail Inayatullah. Brill Academic Publishers (2002).
Prout in Power, Sohail Inayatullah. Proutist Bloc India Publications (2017).
Understanding Prout: Essays on Sustainability and Transformation – vol 1, Jake Karlyle, Michael Towsey. Proutist Universal Australia (2009).
A New Interpretation of History, Ac. Raghunath Prasad. Proutist Universal Publications (1977).
The Prout Companion (Prout Giita), Ac. Raghunath Prasad. Proutist Universal Publications (2010/1978)
Proutist Ecology and Economic Development, Dr. Ravi Batra. Prout Research Institute, Italia (1990).
A Look at Decentralized Economy and the Cooperative System, Ac. Tadbhavananda Avt. Prout Research Institute, Copenhagen (1993).
Samaj: A New Dimension in Politics, Ac. Tadbhavananda Avt. Proutist Universal Publications (1987).
Politics Beyond Liberalism, the Political Theory of Prout, Ac. Krtashivananda Avt. Proutist Universal Publications.
Neo-socialism of the 21st Century, Ac. Krtashivananda Avt. Proutist Universal Publications.
World Government, a Reality of the 21st Century, Ac. Krtashivananda Avt., Prout Research Institute, Copenhagen (1995).