Prout Globe Editorial and Publishing Policies

The Nature of Published Material

Prout Globe is dedicated to publishing material on the Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) and its practical application. We accept submissions of material directly related to PROUT from all, as well as other relevant material by established Proutist authors. The relevance to PROUT should be distinct and educative.

Copyright and License

By submission authors indicate their agreement to abide by an open access Creative Commons license (CC-BY). Under the terms of this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright of their articles. However, the license permits any user to download, print out, extract, reuse, archive, and distribute the article, so long as appropriate credit is given to the authors and source of the work. The license ensures that the authors' article will be available as widely as possible.

Editorial Assistance

On receiving submissions, Prout Globe editors will conduct a review and report back to the sender within five working days, and before any publication. We do suggest and assist in editing of material whenever required.

Corrections and Additions

Prout Globe can post minor and formal corrections directly to the online version of an article. Minor corrections indicate small errors and clarifications to the article, whereas formal corrections are reserved for errors that significantly affect the utility or understanding of the article. Should such corrections be entered after publication the author will be duly notified.

Author Status

Before publication, authors will be invited by email to see the final form of the published material to ensure that they are aware of and approve of its content, its authorship, and its published form.


Prout Globe is run by the PG Editors Cooperative. Published material is not remunerated by the coop.

2 thoughts on “Prout Globe Editorial and Publishing Policies”

  1. You are very much welcome Dr Hojai, and we are looking forward to reading your Amra Bangali material on these pages.

  2. Thanks for the information regarding PROUTGlobe’s editorial and publishing policies.I’ve been closely following PROUTGlobe’s articles and found them exceptionally commendable and of high standards.However,I’m particularly focussed on the Amra Bangali movement which has not been adequately represented in the writings.I believe the Amra Bangali movement is a very important aspect of PROUT. This movement is so indispensible that it’s just like concluding that PROUT without Amra Bangali is meaningless.
    I’ll be happy to contribute my thoughts in PROUTGlobe as I feel that you are doing good for humanity by propagating the philosophy of P.R.Sarkar.

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