Social Cycle

“Humans are social beings, but their intellectual level is much higher than that of all other creatures. Although they have a greater degree of intellect, they still possess inborn instincts and sentimentality like other creatures, and their sentimentality is of varying degrees. But the greatest human treasure, which animals do not possess, is a logical mind.
Now, the sentimentalized …

The Forging of the Sadvipra. 3. DEVA

How do we define a Tantric as a Deva or divine personality – what are the external criteria. Shrii Sarkar explains:

When ideology is totally reflected in a personality, that very personality is worshipped as a divine personality, a god. Ordinary people follow His instructions; they want to be guided by His will, because they experience bliss by moving in

The Forging of the Sadvipra: 2. VIIRA

With the attainment of the status of a viira, Tantra begins to blossom in one’s life. To become a hero means to become a leader through dedication, sincerity, ideological zeal, fighting spirit and all-round capacity. Such heroes are physically fit, mentally developed and spiritually elevated. People will recognize such proto-Sadvipras by their exemplary conduct, selfless service, dutifulness and moral integrity. …

PROUT’s Vision of True Human Society

By Taraka 

Across the face of this planet we find the greatest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. 125 million people are in need of aid due to famine, wars and other crimes against humanity. We are seeing societies being torn apart by various forms of hatred, discrimination and violence based on narrow sentiments. And the crisis is a …

Searching for the Sadvipra

When we open our eyes to actually see this world of ours what do we find? We find endless injustice, endless crimes against humanity, against animals, plants and the earth itself or omnicide. And when we search for solutions, we find in nearly every place, benevolent people who have pondered deeply one particular problem and have come up with solutions …

From Instinct to Sadvipra

When we look at our society today, we see systemic collapse in many spheres and asreas, be it ethical, economic, political, ecological, intellectual, spiritual, etc. When we go the core of the problem, we find a focus on using the latest and most sophisticated technology and knowledge to serve the basest of human instincts. Tendencies towards crude enjoyment without social enhancement, amassment of …

Comparing Prout to Marxism and Communism

Sarkar respected Karl Marx, saying he was “a good person, a thoughtful person, and a prophet for the poor.”[1] Marx wrote a brilliant, methodical analysis of capitalism in the 1800s, Das Kapital, Volumes 1-3, approximately 3,000 pages in length, in which he demonstrated that capitalism is exploitive in nature and suffers from internal contradictions or weaknesses that contribute to …

Mass Movements

All popular movements are rooted in a sentiment, because an emotional appeal is always stronger than logic. Negative sentiments, such as those directed against another race, nation or class, divide humanity and eventually cause great suffering. Instead, leaders should arouse positive sentiments based on the cultural legacy of the people. The spirit of the people can be rallied against exploitation, …