The Epoch-making Emergence of Prout

By M N Sharma

The Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT) is a new socio-economic theory formulated for the benefit of humanity by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, a seer, philosopher and saint of India.

Ever since man, evolved out of animality, and mind attained that degree of subtlety wherein a discriminating judgment found its first expression, humanity has been engaged in a …

From Cardinal Values to Ananda Parivara

Since the start of this century, we see a global erosion of basic civil liberties in countries across the globe. This has gone hand-in-hand with the increasing dominance of society by extreme beliefs, repression of minorities, economic inequality and war. In such a situation the question of World Government becomes inevitable. The ruling capitalists want a global government with a …

The Weakening of Political Democracy and the Prospects of Economic Fairness

By Prabhakar Overland

All over the world the economy is getting worse for ordinary people.1 Well paid jobs are disappearing and purchasing power is stalled.

When most of the fit population no longer have a decent income, they will neither be able to fend for themselves nor contribute to the economy. Due to the ensuing weak consumption and economic …


PROUT holds that a decentralised socio-economic structure (as opposed to the present trend of urban commercial centralisation) does not diminish or dissipate economic potential. Rather, decentralisation removes regional disparity because wealth is distributed almost equally everywhere. According to PROUT, all the resources in a socio-economic unit should be controlled by the local people, and local people must be employed in local economic enterprises.…


5-2. Cakrakendre sadvipráh cakraniyantrakáh.
[Located in the nucleus of the social cycle, sadvipras control the social cycle.]

cakrakendre (7th case) = in the nucleus of the social cycle; sadviprah (pl.) = literally “true vipras”; cakra = cycle; niyantrakáh = controllers

Purport: Those who are staunch moralists and sincere spiritualists, and who want to put an end to immorality and exploitation …


“The rule of the social cycle is that the Shúdra Age is followed by the Kśatriya Age, the Kśatriya Age is followed by the Vipra Age, and the Vipra Age is followed by the Vaeshya Age, which is followed by social revolution. This kind of social rotation is the inexorable law of nature.
Even during the period of their …


Rise of Vipras

“Those with intellect encouraged the kśatriyas to look in directions where they had not looked before, and repeatedly explained to them things they had never understood. After this state of affairs had continued for some time, the kśatriyas began to submit to the intellectuals and, recognizing their superiority, began to use their forceful personalities to carry …


“In the embryonic stage of the human race, those who became the slaves of nature due to circumstantial pressure were the shúdras. But those among them who came in contact with the relatively harsh aspects of nature and made even a small amount of effort to survive by fighting against them, were, in the world of those days, the …