Nuclear Revolution In A Nutshell

By T N Das

Today revolution is in the minds of many, as economic inequality reaches unprecedented levels of injustice and as the world economy shows signs of further crisis due to the recent crisis in the Chinese economy. What we have seen in history with various political revolutions and what we have seen in recent times with colour-coded revolutions …

Nuclear Revolution

P.R. Sarkar
A society may be described as the collection of numerous parallel psychic waves which originate due to the psychic tendency of moving together in unison. The glory of human society lies in the formation of a universal collective structure inspired by exalted ideas.

Dynamicity and staticity are inseparably associated with both individual and collective movement. Society is constantly …

Liberation of Intellect – the Foundation of Education, PROUT Revolution, NeoHumanism and Spiritual Practice

By Taraka

All philosophies believe in the improvement, enlightenment or liberation of the Human Intellect. Even a materialist philosophy like capitalism believes that people should be taught skills so that they can be used by the capitalists to make money. Even a materialist philosophy like state capitalism (communism) believes that people should realize how they are being exploited so that …


5-3. Shaktisampátena cakragativardhanaḿ krántih.
[Accelerating the movement of the social cycle by the application of force is called “evolution”.]

shakti = force; sampátena (3rd case) = through application; cakra = cycle; gativardhanam = to accelerate the movement of; krántih = evolution: kram (to cross some hurdle)

Purport: When warriors degenerate into exploiters, sadvipras will establish the Vipra Age by subduing …

Prout’s Theory of Revolution

Prabhakar Overland
To understand PROUT involves understanding revolutionary dynamics. Apart from formulating an original concept of revolution, PROUT discusses a number of revolutionary concerns such as the spiritual, historical psychosocial cycles and the structural.

PROUT defines revolution as “the application of tremendous force within a short time to destroy the formidable control of any era and replace it by the …

Pod 7: Prout’s Political Thought

Welcome to episode seven of Prout Consciousness where we will be discussing Prout’s political thought. At the outset, let it be advised that listening to earlier episodes would enable a better appreciation of what is being presented in this episode, as Prout’s political ideas all rest firmly on concepts presented earlier.

Prout invests economic power with the …

PROUT, NeoHumanism and Spirituality are Inseparable for a Humane Economics

By Taraka

“People must develop closer and closer links with each other. One heart must gain a warm and deep understanding of another heart.
To make people conscious of their rights in every sphere of life – social, economic, psychic and spiritual – is called jiṋána vistára [expansion of knowledge]; and [for them] to exercise these rights fully is called

The Forging of the Sadvipra: Tantra, Bhakti and PROUT

The Progressive Utilization Theory or PROUT is indeed a unique socio-economic and political paradigm due to its spiritual foundation. This foundation does not lie in religious beliefs or commands. Rather the foundation is personal experience attained via Tantra meditation.

The first discourses of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar mentioning PROUT were given in the treatise, Idea and Ideology, which was primarily …